Perth AFC is inviting all players, sponsors and supporters of the club to join us for our biggest night of the year.
The 2018 Perth AFC awards night will be held on Saturday 27th October 2018 at the stunning Esplanade Hotel in Fremantle.
We can't wait for you to join us as we reflect on an amazing past season on the field, on the court and behind the scenes, announce plans for the year ahead, present the awards for the outstanding performances this season then dance the night away!
This is a formal black tie event which will include in the purchase of the ticket:
Pre-drinks from 7pm for a 7:30pm start
Beer, Wine and Soft Drinks
Amazing 3 Course Meal
Also available to ticket holders will be a discounted room rate for a stay at the Esplanade Hotel along with valet parking also being available.
To purchase tickets please follow the link: https://perthafcawards.eventbrite.com.au
For more information please contacts us through our Perth AFC Facebook Page or via email events@perthafc.com.au